
TAYLOR MADE DINING CHAIRS 266 ☐ 3 Sectional Banquette armleSS only width 52" / depth 27" 5 example T 6 1 8 TL it'S eaSy toorder your cuStomdining Seating. JuSt followthe Simple StepS to fill in the appropriate BoxeS. ☐ E engliSh arm height 25" chooSe your BacK Style STEP 2 chooSe your arm STEP 1 chooSe your BacK treatment STEP 3 chooSe your trimdetail STEP 4 chooSe your indiVidual item STEP 5 chooSe your Sectional item STEP 5 chooSe your BaSe treatment STEP 6 ☐ T tracK arm height 25" ☐ A armleSS ☐ P pleated arm height 25" ☐ S SocK arm height 25" ☐ 0 BacKleSS (Bench) ☐ 1 Straight BacK height 40.5" ☐ 2 arched BacK height 42.5" ☐ 0 BacKleSS (Bench) ☐ 3 tight (plain) ☐ 4 diamond tuft with ButtonS ☐ 5 BiScuit tuft without ButtonS ☐ TL ☐ SK ☐ SKC ☐ MS tapered leg SKirt SKirt with caSter mini SKirt ☐ 8 ☐ 7 chair armleSSwidth 24" w/ armSwidth27.5" chair armleSSwidth 22" (aVailaBle armleSSonly) ☐ 9 Banquette armleSSwidth 52" w/ armSwidth 59" ☐ 1 lBc Banquette armleSS only width 79" / depth 27" ☐ 2 rBc Banquette armleSS only width 79" / depth 27" ☐ 0 Bench (plain top only) width 52" depth 22" TAYLOR MADE Dining chAiRs by TAyLOR MADE Dining Chair: Track Arm, Straight back, biscuit Tuft, Welt, Chair, Tapered Leg ☐ 6 ☐ 7 welt edge Stitch (welt around BaSe only) Seat height: 20.5" / oVerall depth: 27" inSidewidth: 70" / Seat height: 20.5" / inSide depth: 19" not compatiBlewith indiVidual itemS (pictured aBoVe) arched BacK not aVailaBle SKc-SKirt with caSter not aVailaBle with Sectional itemS www.taylorKing.com BacK only 06_2019