Philosopher Chair

L9419-01CL Philosopher Leather Chair

Overall h47 d35.5 w32
Inside d22 w22 ah25 sh22.5

Tight back/1/2" nails/Casters

Options shown: 1/2" Natural Brass nail color.

Also Available:
L9419-00CL Leather Ottoman.  Nails standard

To order in fabric:
9419-01CL Chair with Casters. Nails standard.
9419-00CL Ottoman with Casters. h20 d20.5 w27.5 Nails standard
9419-01TL Chair with Tapered Legs. Nails standard
9419-00TL Ottoman with Tapered Legs. h20 d20.5 w27.5 Nails standard.

L Available in Leather